Saturday, February 20, 2010

36 weeks

Time has been flying by and now all of a sudden--it STOPPED! It seems since my appointment Wednesday at 3:30, the time is dragging on. Maybe because I feel very anxious or maybe because we still have things to do before he comes or maybe because I am not sure when he will come!

I am 36 weeks and they did an ultrasound. Ethan is the size of a 38 1/2 weeker! He weighs approximately 7 lbs 6 oz. That is bigger than Jonathan was at full term! Dr. Martin thinks if I go to 40 weeks, he could weigh 9 1/2 to 10 lbs! She brought up the possibility of scheduling a c-section. It makes me a little nervous because it is surgery and a longer recovery! I want to try to deliver him but then again I don't want to be in labor for hours and wind up having a c-section anyway! The good news is that my body is already starting to make some progress. Ethan is head down and low in my pelvis, I am 1 cm dilated, and 50% effaced so maybe he will come in a couple of weeks! Please pray that happens and he doesn't get too big! I go back on Friday so I will keep you posted!

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