Friday, May 29, 2009


Happy Birthday to one of my best Friends, Wendi! I hope you had a great birthday. You are such a great friend and deserve the best birthday ever.
I look forward to celebrating many more birthdays and crawfish boils with you!
Wendi from her party two years ago!
All the yummy crawfish and fixings!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Happy Birthday J-man!

WOW! I can't believe it, my nephew, Jonathan is having his 6th birthday party today. I can still remember sitting at the hospital waiting for him to arrive. I was still in nursing school and was visiting the hospital in between finals! He was such a beautiful baby and is now turning into a handsome little man.

Jonathan, Happy Birthday! I hope you have the best star wars party ever! I love you so much!
Jonathan with his best friend, Pooh. He was two then!

Jonathan and me! He is so sweet!!

Jonathan at Easter last year! Such a handsome guy!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there. You all have the hardest job in the world! I want to say a special happy mother's day to my mom! She is such an awesome mom and great role model. I hope that I am able to raise my children (one day) as well as she raised the three of us. Take the day off and put your feet up--love ya mom!

Also to my sister, April, you have two beautiful children and are doing such a wonderful job with them. You are an excellent mother and I wish you a very Happy Mother's day! Love ya girl!

Here is my mom with her two beautiful grandchildren!!!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Bad Blogger

Hello Everybody! I am a really bad blogger. Life just got in the way. Anyway I am going to do better and try to post more often. Here's a quick update of what has been going on.

We have moved into our new almost complete house. We still need to complete minor things such as putting our shutters up, putting in bathroom accessories and knobs on the cabinets but nothing that is keeping us from living here and loving it. I will post pics as soon as we are finished.

Dirk and I just celebrated our 4 year anniversary--YEA! Time flies. We went to San Antonio for the weekend. We had a lot of fun hanging out together! When we were checking into our hotel we saw a celebrity--Bruce Mcgill--google him and you will know who he is. We were standing at the check in desk when we first saw him. Dirk and I both thought he looked really familiar but didn't know how. Then we got on the elevator with some other guests who knew who he was. After hearing his name, we still didn't know who he was or what he did. So we googled him and at that moment thought "Oh Yeah, I know who he is!" He is actually from San Antonio and was the grand marshall for the Fiesta Parade.
Here is a pic of him.

Congratulations to my good friend Janice who just had her second baby-William Maxwell!! Love ya Jano!!

I think that pretty much sums up my life right now--sounds kind of boring actually! I will do better and blog more!!!