Saturday, February 6, 2010

34 Weeks!

Wow, how time flies! I went to the doctor on Thursday for my 34 week appointment. I met another Dr. in the practice and all was well. I lost three pounds and she asked me if I was eating!!! I am not a girl who starved myself before so why would I not eat now—I love food and being pregnant is the perfect reason to eat, right?!?! I guess Ethan is just growing and taking all the food. We go back on the 17th for an ultrasound to see how big he is and that begins my weekly visits—so crazy! He will be here before we know it!

In other news, Happy Birthday Sarina! I hope you have a wonderful day and I am looking forward to dinner tonight! It is such a busy and exciting time for you—I am so excited for the upcoming wedding! You are a great friend and I am so lucky to know you! Love ya girl!

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