Sunday, February 28, 2010

37 Weeks!

I went to see Dr. Martin on Friday. It was an exciting visit! I had my mom go with me and I am ever so glad she did. Let me back up and tell you about my day...

I woke up with a headache so I thought I would check my blood pressure. It was elevated--135/88. Normal is about 120/80. Then I started to see spots but they quickly went away so I got in the shower and went to work as normal. The morning was fine but around lunch time I started to feel lightheaded and flushed, so I had Ginni check my blood pressure. It was even higher--154/89. I knew Dr. Martin would not be happy with that so I left a little early to try to relax before my appointment. It didn't work. At her office it was 156/98! There was also some protein in my urine! So Dr. Martin immediately sent me over to "maternity observation" where they did some blood work, urine tests, several blood pressures, and monitored Ethan for about an hour or so. Dr. Martin told mom and me that if anything came back bad or if my blood pressure didn't go down, we could be having a baby! I told her I was ready but she quickly said, "Don't get it in your head, because I want you to labor on your own!" I was a little bummed. Well, everything was normal. After laying down for an hour my blood pressure came down to 116/65. That was better than pre-pregnancy for me. They sent me home on bed rest and I follow up on Monday or Tuesday with Dr. Martin. I hope on Monday or Tuesday she tells me we are going to induce or something because it has only been 2 days and I am tired of being home! It is really hard because I feel good! I will let you know what happens this week!

Sarina, Brandon, Jessica and Daniel--Dirk and I were so bummed to miss the shower! I hope you guys had a great time and got lots of good stuff! We love y'all and can't wait for the weddings! We do have gifts for y'all too :)

Saturday, February 20, 2010

36 weeks

Time has been flying by and now all of a sudden--it STOPPED! It seems since my appointment Wednesday at 3:30, the time is dragging on. Maybe because I feel very anxious or maybe because we still have things to do before he comes or maybe because I am not sure when he will come!

I am 36 weeks and they did an ultrasound. Ethan is the size of a 38 1/2 weeker! He weighs approximately 7 lbs 6 oz. That is bigger than Jonathan was at full term! Dr. Martin thinks if I go to 40 weeks, he could weigh 9 1/2 to 10 lbs! She brought up the possibility of scheduling a c-section. It makes me a little nervous because it is surgery and a longer recovery! I want to try to deliver him but then again I don't want to be in labor for hours and wind up having a c-section anyway! The good news is that my body is already starting to make some progress. Ethan is head down and low in my pelvis, I am 1 cm dilated, and 50% effaced so maybe he will come in a couple of weeks! Please pray that happens and he doesn't get too big! I go back on Friday so I will keep you posted!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Ethan's 2nd Baby Shower

Our wonderful friends threw Dirk, Ethan and me a baby shower last night. It was a "couple's shower" at Nick and Sam's Grill in Uptown. Once again, Ethan is very loved and received a lot of great baby items. It was so fun to hang out with good friends!

{the girls}

{friends from work and their hubbies}

{jano and me}

{pam and me}

{dirk, neil, janice, alex & pam}

{daniel, jessica, wendi & jeramy}

It was decorated so cute with balloons, party favors, a very very cute cake, a super adorable diaper cake that Chastity made for us, and a ceramic plate for everyone to sign! The plate is so special to us because Dirk proposed to me on a plate covered with chocolate strawberries and then our wedding guests signed a plate and now Ethan has a plate to remember his shower by! Everything was so thoughtful and wonderful!

{favors filled with m&m's that said, "It's a boy" and kisses}

{yummy cake}

{diaper cake--thanks, chastity}


Even a celebrity showed up for the big event :) Holly Madison, Hugh Hefner's ex-girlfriend, was at the restaurant. I tried to get a good picture of her but didn't work so well. Wendi was going to ask her to take a picture with Ethan and I but I got nervous!!! I didn't want to invade her privacy too much. Do you think I could sell the picture to Us Weekly?

{internet picture}

{my attempt as a paparazzi}

Thank you everyone for coming and all the wonderful gifts! We love each and everyone of you and know Ethan will too. We are so blessed to have y'all in our lives!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Winter Wonderland

I can't believe all the snow we received. I think it is the most I have ever seen in Texas! Dirk measured the snow--10.5 inches! We built a snowman on Thursday night and then had a lazy snow day on Friday! Here are some of the pics! One day of this is enough for me, bring on spring and summer!!!

Presley would rather stay inside and be warm. He did not like the snow at all! He only wanted to eat it!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

34 Weeks!

Wow, how time flies! I went to the doctor on Thursday for my 34 week appointment. I met another Dr. in the practice and all was well. I lost three pounds and she asked me if I was eating!!! I am not a girl who starved myself before so why would I not eat now—I love food and being pregnant is the perfect reason to eat, right?!?! I guess Ethan is just growing and taking all the food. We go back on the 17th for an ultrasound to see how big he is and that begins my weekly visits—so crazy! He will be here before we know it!

In other news, Happy Birthday Sarina! I hope you have a wonderful day and I am looking forward to dinner tonight! It is such a busy and exciting time for you—I am so excited for the upcoming wedding! You are a great friend and I am so lucky to know you! Love ya girl!