Saturday, October 2, 2010

Lots of changes…

I guess I have been on a blogging hiatus—not intentionally.  It has been so busy.  Ethan has grown so much; he will be 7 months old on October 9th!  I cannot believe how fast the time goes.  I have returned to work and my mom is watching Ethan.  I think they are both enjoying that!  He has his two bottom teeth (got those at 5 months) and it looks like his top teeth are starting to come in!  He is scooting all over the place.  Ethan hasn’t quite figured out crawling.  He is pulling up on things like his crib every morning—time to lower it!  At his 6 month checkup, he weighed (brace yourself) 19 lbs 3 ozs and he was 26 1/2 inches long!  He has also started eating solids.  It was very challenging at the beginning but he is doing much better!  I will post a future blog on that—we are making his food!  I never thought that would be something I would do but I love it!

Two weekends ago, I had my HS reunion! 10 years!  We made it a girls night.  Chelsea, Sarina, Wendi and I went.  It was a great time and it was nice to see everyone!  Dirk, Jeramy and Lindsey watched Ethan! 

Last Sunday was a very special day!  Ethan was dedicated to the Lord.  We attend Community Life Church here in Forney and it was a very nice ceremony.  We had the whole family with us and after church, we had a nice brunch!  Thanks everyone for coming!  Ethan, we promise to raise you in a loving, Christian home and teach you the ways of our Savior, Jesus Christ!!

I thought I would share some pictures from the summer and this past weekend!  Happy Fall everyone!!!



{Ethan’s first time swimming!}


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{Eating solids!  He loves his high chair!}



{Our visit to the museum with Jonathan and Emily}



{All the kiddos after Ethan’s dedication}