Monday, March 22, 2010


Ethan Daniel Williams finally made his debut! He was born on March 9th at !:24 pm weighing 8 lbs, 6oz and 20 inches long. He is healthy and happy as are his mom and dad. We went into the hospital Monday evening to prepare for induction the next morning; however, I began to have contractions on my own so the labor and delivery went quickly and smoothly.


{just arrived to the postpartum floor}


{about to head home}

He has already changed so much from these pictures! Thank you to everyone who came by the hospital and brought flowers, food, well wishes and more! We can thank you enough! Thanks to those who brought us dinner over the past couple of weeks! We really appreciate it! I will post more and new pics later!

1 comment:

Ginni said...

He is so adorable!! Okay I went to Baylor with Jessica Auld, it looks like she was your L&D nurse, that is so funny! She is so sweet. Can't wait to see yall again!