Monday, April 22, 2013

From the mouth of a 3 year old...

Ethan says the cutest, funniest things that I think are worth writing down!  Here are a few of the most recent.

Me:  Sorry, we are out of milk.
Ethan: Ok, I will have chocolate water.

He jumps off the couch (at Nana's) onto pillows and says, "WOW. Did you see that? That was Ahh-mazing!"

Passing the donut shop. "I love donuts and donuts LOVE me!"

This happened a while ago but it's a good one.
Ethan: "Shut-up!" (Just to the air.)
Me:  "We don't say shut-up. It's not nice."
Ethan: "How about hush?  Can I say hush then?"

He squats down close to the ground close to a bug: "Hey there little buddy."

To Presley: "You are such a good boy, P!"

Hitting the iPad: "Come on iPad, work!  Ugghhh!"

Last night, I was singing "Jesus Loves me" to him at bedtime and then said, "Ethan, Jesus does love you and so does Mommy and Daddy."  Without hesitation he says, "I know.  So does Nana, Papa, Uncle 'J', and Sammy (Uncle J's dog).  They love me too!"

I love our conversations!

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