Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Life Changing Event!

It has been a long time since my last post. I have been too tired! On July 12th, Dirk and I found out we are going to be parents! We had been trying since December; however, when it actually happens it is a SHOCK and very surreal! Here's how I remember the day we found out.

I had spent the weekend in San Antonio with my sister and mom--a very fun girl's trip! I had shared with them that I should probably take a test. Needless to say they were ecstatic. I waited till Sunday evening to take one when I got home so Dirk could be there too. We quickly ate the dinner I had picked up on the way home and then I rushed to the bathroom. I called him in and he was equipped with his watch as the three minute timer! I could not stop staring at it as I watched the window turn pink. I knew quickly this was a positive test (two pink lines) as I had taken several before that were negative! Dirk insisted we had to wait the three minutes--so we did. After the time was up, he sat on our bed and said nothing as I began calling my mom and sister. Finally he said in a very serious voice, "We should repeat it." He was in disbelief. So I took another one--TWO PINK LINES! I continued with the phone calls! By the end of the week, I had taken 7 tests! They were all positive!

The first trimester was horrendous and I swore I would never do this again! I was nauseated all day everyday and I prayed to the porcelain gods at least twice a day! When I wasn't in the bathroom I wanted to be sleeping! It is much better now; however, I cannot eat any Mexican food--it comes right back up. If you know me at all, you know that is my FAVORITE! I couldn't even eat Matt's--the best Mexican food in DFW! Dirk and I are very excited and can't wait to find out what we are having. He really wants a boy and I would be happy with either. We should find out at the end of October. The little one is due March 19th. I will keep you posted!

In other news, Congratulations to Sarina and Brandon who got engaged! We are so excited for you! Congratulations to Daniel and Jessica who also got engaged! 2010 is going to be a very exciting and busy year! Happy late Birthday to Chelsea, Lindsey and Pam! Sorry I didn't do a special happy birthday post but you girls know how I feel about you! One last shout out, Congratulations to Ryan who graduated from UNT this summer! We are so proud of you!

1 comment:

Chastity said...

I am so excited for you. The first one is so special...not that the ones that come later won't be, but there is something about wanting to pregnant so badly and taking test after test and then getting that positive result...and then holding that baby that you have wanted for such a long time...enjoy every moment because it goes so quickly...before you know it you will be working on your third one ;)
Congratulations...we are so happy and maybe I will see you in Doc Martin's office one day!